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Calling All Artists!

   Anna Held is a supporter of the arts, and as such, we like to do our best to give local creators opportunities to showcase their work.

We have a few opportunities coming up, and we would love your help in getting the word out!

We have a pop-up sale coming up on Friday, March 3. We are looking for approximately 10 artists and/or crafters to come set up a booth and sell their product! This event is commission-free. If you or anyone you know is interested in being a vendor, please send a brief bio and a few photos of your work to annaheldteam@gmail.com.

Additionally, Anna Held is a commission-free gallery for local artists to showcase their creations! We are currently looking for artists willing to hang their works here for the months of February, April, and May. If you or anyone you know is interested, please send a brief bio and some photos of your creations to annaheldteam@gmail.com

We look forward to hearing from you~